We Love Clay Guide | How to Spot a Good Pot: Surface (Pt. 2)
If the surface of a pot tells a story, decoration is the potter’s language, gestural marks and impressed shapes their vocabulary.
If the surface of a pot tells a story, decoration is the potter’s language, gestural marks and impressed shapes their vocabulary.
At the Goldmark Gallery we’re constantly handling pots. At work we sell and display them; at home we cook, eat and drink with them daily.
It can be difficult to spot how different marks on a pot have been achieved. Here’s our short guide to ceramic decoration to get you started.
When you first start collecting pots, keeping track of the many different glazes on different pots can be more than a little tricky.
Buying, owning and using pots is an experience that can change your life. Here’s our helpful introduction to starting a ceramics collection.