Join us for Part Two of Anne Mette Hjortshøj | In Conversation. Anne Mette talks about making a living as a craftsperson and finding the freedom to create what she wants. She also discusses using shapes and glazes that have come before, about making plates, both thrown and press molded and shows us some examples of her work. She talks about growing up in the countryside, coming from a working family (her father was a traditional carpenter) and how that has inspired and informed her career as a potter.
‘Pots to Give and to Hold’: Why We Love Eating from Handmade Ceramics
Even the most ascetic, least material of monks has need of three things: robes, in which to clothe himself; a temple, in which to shelter himself; and a bowl, with which to feed himself.
Profile | Randy Johnston: An Expansive Vision
American potter Randy Johnston’s expansive vision is constantly bringing together past and present, the conceptual and the formal, in the service of his art.
Featured Ceramics | Large Square Platters by Jean-Nicolas Gérard
These huge square dishes, with rumpled, up-turned edges, become vineyards or lavender fields in miniature: sgraffito scars mimic row upon row of grape vines.
We Love Clay Guide | Buying Pots: How to Start Collecting Ceramics
Buying, owning and using pots is an experience that can change your life. Here’s our helpful introduction to starting a ceramics collection.