A Unique Gift

L1006382 jpg webp A Unique Gift Provence

The sureness of hand and eye gives the work a childlike spontaneity only mastered through years of experience. This is the third solo exhibition of Jean-Nicolas Gérard’s pots at Goldmark. What more can usefully be written? I suspect many of the gallery’s patrons are already converted, enthusiastic to see his latest works. They will not … Read more

In Conversation | Jean-Nicolas Gérard | Part 1

in conversation jean nicolas ger jpg webp In Conversation | Jean-Nicolas Gérard | Part 1 Provence

French slipware potter Jean-Nicolas Gérard talks about the inspiration he has drawn from local Provençal pottery and the countryside around his Valensole home. He speaks of the joy of making utilitarian ware to be used and enjoyed everyday, the influence of Japanese pottery, the decorative techniques that he employs and his need for spontaneity, focus and freedom when he is working.

Profile | Jean-Nicolas Gérard: The Potter’s Potter

Jean Nicolas Gerard Opening Kiln featured image jpg webp Profile | Jean-Nicolas Gérard: The Potter's Potter Provence

Jean-Nicolas Gérard has been working from his studio in the south of France for over 15 years now, producing loose, lively terre vernissée – the French term for slip-decorated earthenware – and enlivening the local Provençal traditions of slipware pottery.