This enormous dish is thrown from 30 pounds of clay! Svend Bayer reveals the inspiration behind the decoration of this wonderful charger and his happy discovery of the affects of his wood fired kiln on a kaki glaze.
Talking Pots | Svend Bayer | Monumental Jars
In this film Svend Bayer explains how he constructs these imposing large jars. Achieving these dramatic glaze effects on such a large pot is fraught with danger and pitfalls. Svend discusses the glaze surface and describes how the beautiful ‘chunning’ effect occurs.
Critic’s Choice | Nic Collins | Large Bottles
Goldmark Gallery’s Max Waterhouse takes a look at a selection of Nic Collins’ magnificent large bottles. Every bottle tell the story of its precarious journey from from the wheel to surviving the intense anagama firing.
Exhibition | Phil Rogers | Earthly Matters
Phil Rogers, one of the outstanding British potters of his generation, exhibited at Goldmark Gallery from 16 May 2020. This was the 5th major exhibition of his work at Goldmark and each show has built on the success of the one before. Goldmark was closed because of the Coronavirus however the exhibition was available virtually to the public with an online tour and new films featuring both an interview with Rogers and footage of him at work. The exhibition saw the publication of a new catalogue written by the Rev. Richard Coles, Vicar of Finedon, former member of 1980s pop group The Communards and presenter of Radio 4 programme Saturday Live. The film shows the culmination of an extraordinary career in ceramics by a potter who forged his own path pushing the boundaries of the traditions he was rooted in.
Profile | Jim Malone
Jim Malone was born in Sheffield in 1946. After the death of his father, his mother moved the family back to her native Wales. Malone went to train as a teacher in Bangor in 1966 and then accepted a teaching post at a school in Essex in 1969. He continued with his childhood love of … Read more
We Love Clay Guide | Buying Pots: A Brief Glossary of Glazes
When you first start collecting pots, keeping track of the many different glazes on different pots can be more than a little tricky.