In his studio surrounded by the snow-clad Wisconsin countryside Randy Johnston reminisces whilst turning foot-rings on yunomi. He contemplates the long-lived aspect of a ceramic object; transcending generations and reaching across time and space. Johnston remembers anecdotes told by Warren MacKenzie about the beginnings of his apprenticeship with Bernard Leach and the 1953 tour of the US by Leach and Hamada and it’s impact upon American ceramics.
turning a foot ring
Inspire Me | Randy Johnston | The Sprituality of Clay
Randy Johnston turns footrings on yunomi in his Wisconsin studio and explains his preference for the manual wheel. He considers the notion of “the memory of clay” and it’s receptivity as a material for emotional expression while appreciating the Japanese learned casualness in Shimaoka’s throwing technique.
Masterclass | Mike Dodd | Teapots Part 2
Mike Dodd takes a leather hard teapot and demonstrates how to facet the sides, turn the foot ring, attach the spout and make and attach an upright handle. He explains the process throughout and gives valuable advice to any aspiring makers.