Koichiro Isezaki: Bizen Born is a captivating new Goldmark documentary that delves into the life and work of Koichiro Isezaki, the son of renowned potter and National Living Treasure, Jun Isezaki. Filmed on location in the ancient pottery town of Bizen, Japan, we follow Koichiro as he meticulously crafts pieces for his inaugural solo exhibition at the prestigious Goldmark in the United Kingdom. Following his footsteps of his father and his grandfather before him, viewers are offered a rare glimpse into traditional techniques and artistic passion that have been passed down through generations, showcasing the influence of familial legacy on Koichiro’s artistic journey.
As Koichiro reflects on his upbringing and the profound influence of his family’s pottery lineage, he offers poignant insights into his philosophy towards the craft. Rooted in a deep reverence for tradition yet marked by his own innovative spirit, Koichiro shares his belief in the transformative power of clay and the profound connection between the artist, the material, and the natural world. Through his thoughtful narration and masterful craftsmanship, he invites audiences to contemplate the timeless beauty and profound significance of pottery, transcending cultural boundaries to celebrate the universal language of art.